Trademark Search in Denmark
The trademarks and names of others may prevent you from putting your product or service on the market. With a preliminary trademark search in Denmark, you get a better overview of these trademarks and names, so you can avoid potential conflicts with your competitors or other players in the Danish market.
Logo Search in Denmark
A logo search in Denmark can show you if there are other logos that are similar or identical to your logo. This gives you a clarification on your opportunities at an early stage so that can avoid potential conflicts with your competitors or other players in the Danish market.
Dialogue search - trademark
With a Dialogue Search you get the opportunity to search for relevant trademarks together with one of our search experts. You can also use Dialogue Search to get sparring in relation to the trademark system or other trademark related issues. The search can be carried out virtually or at a physical meeting at the Danish Patent and Trademark Office.
Trademark Scan
A Trademark Scan gives you overall insight into whether a specific trademark exists abroad. This give you the opportunity to avoid conflicts with your international competitors.
Trademark Identity Scan
Get clarification as to whether a trademark is registered. That way you can avoid spending time and money on developing a name or a logo which is protected by someone else.
We help you monitor your trademark in Denmark. With MarkWatch, we keep you updated about new trademarks. That way, you can decide if other trademarks are getting too close to yours.
Trademark Monitoring Internationally
If you have registered a trademark abroad, it is a good idea to keep an eye on new applications or registrations of trademarks that can be confused with your trademark. If this happens, international trademark monitoring will allow you to respond in good time.
Overview of Proprietor's Trademarks
With Overview of Proprietor's Trademark, you get a list of registered trademarks and trademark applications of a specific business or person. This provides you with a valuable insight into the activities of your competitor.